Thursday, May 06, 2010

Life is pretty brilliant at the moment...

Not writing, which is fine, but beginning design work on some paintings for an international show. Desperately attempting to come up with research for a dissertation (hey, no one likes to make a fool of herself or look stupid, LOL), and getting through tense moments like work-related exams, demanding assignments and deadlines.

What I miss about writing is NOT the penning - have written about what? 2 - 3 million words? but the research. I love obscurity, and even though archaeology supplies lots of that, it demands a certain level of formality...and you can't just toss in the kitchen sink and link it with more research the way you can in a novel.

Looking forward to some design work...


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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It's my day off, which means (of course) I have more scheduled than during my days "on".
A pic of the levitated fish
Now, they used EM on mice. Levitating fish/beetles/ants with sound:
Now, they used EM on mice. Levitating fish/beetles/ants with sound:
Levitating mice:

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Evidence that some marine critters survived the KT extinction event dug up in suburban New Jersey. A new book??

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Had a great day at work. Now for a little play & archaeo reading after a nice afternoon session of Shrek on TV. Go, Shrek!
They went out to catch fish, but it was the fish which nearly caught them. Shark jumps in boat.
Nice example of the power of a small fish in a big ocean. Jellyfish found to be mixers for ocean layers.
Males stare at women 2X as much as women stare at men - but still! 43 min vs 20 min per DAY?
Mermaid sighting in Israel
Rest in peace with Marilyn! Widow hocks burial plot adjacent to Marilyn Monroe's on eBay

Monday, August 03, 2009 Different celestial pic every day. Really nice site, esp
What have I done today? Begun revamp on Triassic Trio (work'g title), went to work, went to gym, took mutt for endless walk...
Graveyard of ancient shipwrecks, carrying wine, fish sauce, and metal ingots, discovered off Italy.
Male skeleton, approx 4500 years old, found in Italian beach. His burial goods found to date = 6 vases
Like fruit juice? Fructose-sweetened candies? Sugar? New evidence that fructose impairs memory...what did I say?

Saturday, August 01, 2009

About to head out to pick up my offsprung from practice...
Virtual exhibition of Egyptian artifacts at the Centre for Computer Aided Egyptological Research -
Jumbo squid massing off Calif beaches don't APPEAR to be maneaters, but numbers are a bit scary...

Friday, July 31, 2009

45 million-yr-old yeast, discovered in amber (Jurassic Park?) used to brew beer. Loved this!